DIY Crinkle Paper/ Gift Box Stuffing

For all your gift stuffing and paper crinkling needs!

Asalamualykum Lovely people!

Last week I was searching through Pinterest for gift wrapping/boxing ideas. I want to gift my classmates something before the winter break and I needed a cute way to do it.

So as I was on Pinterest I noticed a lot of the gift boxes had crumpled up paper in them used as stuffing. I had seen them before but never knew what they were called.

I then searched for DIYs on how to make that crumpled up paper and found out that a lot of people will actually PAY MONEY to have bags of this scrunched paper delivered to their house! LIKE WHAT EVEN??? So I said nope, not gonna happen. I am not paying for something I could easily do myself.

And then I saw this one DIY where you had to use a paper shredder to make the scrunched paper and it didn't even turn out that good. 

I was sad. No DIYs on making crinkled paper? It seems easy enough! Something needed to be done. I needed to make a DIY that's simple, one that doesn't need a whole 'lotta tools and materials to make. 

So folks, here it is:

DIY Crinkle Paper


Yep, those are the only two things that you will need. Simple, right?

Now onto the procedure.

Step 1:

Fold the paper, switching sides each time.

If you can remember how to make a paper fan (the things we used to make when we were five) then you should have this folding process hands down.

Paper fan featuring my brother's hand.

Step 2: 

Using scissors cut small strips of the paper. Make sure to compress the paper so your thumb and index finger are holding it. 

Tip: Making your strips really thin while you cut them will make them resemble professional crinkled paper a whole lot more than if you just cut 'em really wide.

Step 3:

Keep cutting strips of the paper until you get a big heap.

Step 4: 

Use your crinkled paper. 

You can put them in a box like I did, or you can stuff them in small party favours. There are so many different ways to use them and it's extremely simple. So go tell your friends your parents and your grandmother because you, my friend, are going to busy for the next couple of weeks.

Have fun gifting!



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  1. Yes. Finally! A good guideline. Thanks Ayesha.
    -Nina (Malaysia)

    1. You're so welcome! Thank you for commenting!

  2. Perfect! Just what I was looking for! Thank you (:

  3. Awesome! Just the what I needed. Thanks!

  4. Glad to hear it!

  5. Just what I was looking for! Thank you for this.

  6. Hey, I was searching for paper filler for packaging and found your blog. You have shared a very informative blog. Keep posting some more related blogs. I appreciate your hard work.

  7. Just what I needed. Thanks Ayesha.

  8. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! After reading a million and 5 useless ways of how to do this I find this! Thanks SO much for taking the time to make this and sharing it!!


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