Blog Details

Hijabisontherun is a name Ayesha came up with. (Ayesha is the pseudonym that the author of this blog uses. )

The name of this blog came about from a moment of reminiscence to a time in a different place where my family and I went to vacation. 

It was a huge family vacation where we reunited with the extended family members on my mom's side of the family. 

The day before our flight back home, my mother and her two sisters went on what you would call a 'Walmart run'. 

Now, my mother and her sisters all wear modest clothing. So, if you could imagine three abaya-clad niqabis dashing around and through the aisles of the supermarket that is Walmart, then you would have a pretty good idea of how the whole incident went down. 

People staring dazed as three streaks of black just whizzed by collecting items from aisles like pros. They were in and out of that place in under ten minutes, it has to be some kind of record, I know. 

So as I was thinking of what to name my blog this particular memory popped up in my head. And after a little bit of pondering hijabisontherun is the name that came about. 


This blog started out as an idea in July 2014. My first post on here was in November of the same year. Since then I've been posting on and off,  I never have a proper uploading schedule. (sorry.)

It is my goal to update this blog regularly and sometimes I'm so good at it, and then other times life happens and I don't update. In sha Allah I'll get better on that part :)

Anyway, on this blog you'll find DIYs, poetry, posts about this wonderful religion called Islam, and then a few random posts that have no categories.

All in all I hope you enjoy reading and viewing my posts. I also pray that you have a wonderful day!



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