DIY Decorate Notebooks (for real this time)

Asalamualykum lovelies!

Remember like a couple months ago I made a very lazy notebook DIY? Well, this time I've come back with a newer version that requires a lot more work. (I hope your happy Ayah and Ayla.)

So, it's a new year and a new school semester. Guess what that means? NEW SCHOOL SUPPLIES!

This semester I wanted to make my notebooks really pretty, because I guess I think if I put effort into decorating them, they'll look appealing and I'll actually want to study, in sha Allah. So I decided to paint all six of my notebooks. And it took a looooooooonngggg time and an even longer time to dry. :(

But I finished them, and just in time for my next class tomorrow too!

Anywho, let's begin:

You will need:

(everything in this picture)

Blurry pictures means I'm using my phone, sorry guys!

Step 1:

Grab your notebook.

Step 2:

Choose your paint. (optional: mix with white to make a pastel-like colour)

Step 3: 

Paint your notebook. It may take more than one coat, just saying.

And now you are pretty much done. Just let it dry completely before using it. I glued on a gift tag and I am going to add in my subject titles using black permanent marker.

Note: Lighter colours may need more coats than darker ones.

Here's what mine looked like when they were finished.

Jazakallah khair for reading!




  1. Omg Ayesha I love them. And I love that you actually put effort into it this time 😝😝😝😝
    Love ya


  2. they are so plain and original. i love them


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