DIY Decorating Notebooks...Sort of

Asalamualykum lovely people of the Internet!

I'll be honest with you. This is probably the easiest DIY you will ever do. Seriously. You could do this in your sleep.

That being said this is not a DIY as much as it is using a marker to write a single word on an already pretty notebook. So if you're lazy, and don't want to put in too much effort, then here's a DIY for you.

All you need is a marker in the colour of your choice (I chose gold) and a cool notebook (one that is pre-decorated since you know, we are being lazy today).

Let's begin.

Step 1:

Lay your notebooks in a fancy arrangements and become worryingly fascinated by their beauty.

Don't forget to say Ma sha Allah and Alhamdulillah to thank Allah for the nice things He gives us!

Step 2:

With your marker, write down a title for your notebook.

It's important that the title relates to what you plan on writing in this book, but it is not necessary. So, if you want to write "Property of Tom Riddle" on the front cover of your notebook then go for it.

Step 3:

You are done decorating your notebook. Now you know what each notebook is for!

:) This post is so weird.

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