
This weekend was loooong and fun! We went out every single day (which is what I dream for), and we went so many different places, stayed up at a mansion, had a picnic by a lake and went on a walk in the woods and got lost! We had the whole summer vibes going on so now that it's over and I'm having to think about school tomorrow, I am getting kinda sad. 

But yes, I am late with an update on this blog. It's coming, but I want it to be at least decent before I post it so I'm giving myself more time to work on it. But, I did include a sneak peak of the new post in this post right here so without further a due/ adue (how do you spell that idek), here is the sneak peak:

When it comes to playing sports or just working out, it can be quite difficult to figure out how to incorporate the hijab while running about.

You see, most hijabs are kept in place by deathly- silver sharp and pointy pins. I think one of the first things you learn when you start to wear your hijab is how to not stab your skull while pinning your hijab in place. Once you perfect that you are a hijabi professional. :)

Now, most hijabi Youtubers I know don't really discuss the topic of working out as a hijabi. I get that their channels are about fashion and stuff and that's cool and all but you know us sporty hijabis need some inspiration too. So I've decided to try to come up with a post with my own ideas on how to work the hijab while working out. 

Hope you enjoyed. I've got a test tomorrow so I'm going to run!




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