Just a little update

Asalamualaykum lovely people!

Hello there! I just wanted to update everyone who might be reading this blog on a few things.

1) The past few months in my life have been pretty stressful so I know that if I do plan on committing to a blog and a youtube channel, my posts and uploads will occur on a weekly basis. I hope you are all okay with it. If whenever I have time off, expect frequent uploads!

Also, I am just learning how this whole blogging and Youtube thing works, so please bare with me while I figure it all out.

2) I have an exciting blog post coming up next Saturday or Sunday InshaAllah! (God-willing) This is not like the last time I said I will do something and I didn't do it. I will try my best to get it up. However, I make no promises because Allah plans out everything and if He doesn't want it to happen, then it won't.

Hint: It will have something to do with food. Good food, I can tell you that much.

3) As I mentioned above, these past few months have been stressful. This week I have a couple of assignments due and one test. But InshaAllah (God-willing) if I study well, and complete all my work there will be a Youtube video uploaded soon. There will be more on that later!

Jazakallah (May Allah reward you), for reading this! It means a lot to me!

Much love,



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